
Social Media Guideines

Below are guidelines for our social media channels. We value our community’s input and feedback, but we ask that you read and abide by the following rules:

Be respectful. You can disagree with a post or comment, but please be respectful. Comments that are disparaging, hurtful, obscene or otherwise inappropriate will be removed.

Don’t spam us. Please don’t use this area to solicit business or promote a commercial product. Comments that are blatantly spam will be removed.

Stay on topic. Keep your comments focused on the topic. If you have other questions or ideas for topics you would like to see covered, please let us know.

Respect privacy. Any information posted here is public, so please do not post any personal information or health information here.

Comments are the views of individuals. Hocking Valley Community Hospital does not endorse or necessarily recommend the comments posted by individuals. We don’t assume liability for them either.

Go see your doctor. We hope you find the information here useful, but please don’t use it as a substitute for seeing your healthcare provider. If you have specific questions about your condition, please contact your provider for appropriate care.

Remember, this is public. By posting here, users give Hockign Valley Community Hospital the right to use content for any purpose, such as display, reproduction, fundraising and marketing.

Follow the rules. Hocking Valley Community Hospital reserves the right to restrict views, to hide, or remove any posts or comments that don’t comply with these guidelines and are deemed inappropriate.